Winter Beauty, 2015

May 01, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Winter is beautiful and so are my home-grown models!  We had a ton of snow this winter, but it was also VERY cold, so hard to get out and take a few lovely shots.  We finally found a good opening late in the season -- a lovely, soft snowfall with relatively moderate temps.  Perfect!  I quickly assembled my older girls and headed out for some shots contrasting their beautiful red gowns with the white of the snow.  

A few weeks later, we were blessed with another perfect snowfall, so this time I grabbed my younger girls and went to a lovely, wooded spot in town.  This made for a beautiful backdrop.  I also thought it would be fun to try white-on-white for one of the girls.  The outfit and white coat were a gift and I love the challenge of these kind of tones.  I also wanted some contrast, so the red-and-black dress on my littlest girl really popped.  

I ended the season with a few adorable shots of my little boy in a knitted fox cap, created by my older daughter, Hannah Small.  There are no words for how much I love those!  And, finally, a few indoor shots with my little girl who was playing in her ballerina costume. 

So, here are my favorites from the season -- I could have kept going and going, especially with such cooperative and natural models.  What more could a photographer ask for?  This was winter, 2015:




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